DISCLAIMER: (Short Version) This is MY personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own. I am not responsible for what you might express in the comment section. And just because I mention a product or a place, it does not mean I am endorsing or supporting them and vice versa.
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This Website/Blog includes links to other sites operated by third parties. These links are provided as a convenience to you and as an additional avenue of access to the information contained therein. I have not reviewed all of the information on other sites and am not responsible for the content of any other sites or any products or services that may be offered through other sites. The inclusion of these links in no way indicates their endorsement, support or approval of the contents of this site.
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This blog is for people who want to learn about things related to California and the U.S.—from an immigrant's point of view. If you are already a resident of or an expert on the U.S., this blog is probably NOT for you.